I was privileged to participate as the director of ceremonies
at the National Institute of Nursing Research’s (NINR) closing symposium, which
celebrated their 30th Anniversary. The symposium brought together
presentations and dialogues, top eminent scientists in sleep research and
findings that were supported by NINR. The event, which attracted more than 500
attendees (and was closed to more registrants), had two sleep research panels,
a symptom science panel and a precision health omic science panel.
The panelists, who were moderated by Dr. David Dinges and Dr.
Yvette Conley, discussed their scholarly trajectories and major findings from
their research programs, their vision of progress in sleep research and their
specific goals for advancing knowledge related to symptom and omic sciences.
They also discussed how sleep influences, and is influenced by, health and wellbeing
for individuals and populations, and ways by which sleep science reflects, and
is congruent with, the overall mission of NINR, which is to promote and improve
health and quality of life of individuals, families and communities through
basic and clinical research that provides the scientific base for practice. The
mission also includes the training of nurse scientists and preparing them for a
life of scientific discoveries for the purpose of advancing nursing knowledge. Therefore,
the panelists asserted also that it is imperative to give attention to
translating sleep science to practice through developing best practices.
The symposium certainly exemplified the importance of this
mission by highlighting how nursing science discoveries made a difference in
people’s quality of life. It also demonstrated, rather effectively, through
modeling, how NINR strategic goals foster and nurture the development of
interdisciplinary teams. The panel members’ presentations, individually and
collectively, reflected the richness of knowledge advanced by scientists who
represented different fields and disciplines.
Moving forward in advancing sleep science, it is imperative
to give attention to translating the evidence produced through their work.
Research findings and recommendations should bridge the research and practice
gaps. Best practices for management of sleep by professionals, as well as practices
for self-management of sleep by people, should be developed by scientists and clinicians.
Continued research is also needed to establish the benchmarks for healthy sleep
quantitatively (7 hours?) and qualitatively? Research translated and reflected in
policies is imperative as well, such as policies that affect working hours,
school/education hours and care giving hours. Considering knowledge that emanates
from the many sleep research findings about circadian rhythms and sleep-wake
cycles, and what are the best and most congruent start times for shift workers
and for schools, are just a couple of questions with answers that should lead
to policy changes.
The panelists also spoke about the need for research focusing
on outcomes of disturbed and insufficient sleep, particularly on special
populations such as adolescents and the elderly, on management of chronic diseases,
on developing and testing cognitive, behavioral and pharmaceutical
interventions, and on developing tool boxes that include neurological,
biological, cultural and social determinants. The panelists also advocated for advancing
community and population based research and interventions. The expanse of
technology, such as apps, wearable sleep trackers and watches, computer
programs and other innovations to record, monitor or induce sleep, should drive
future research. Technology and its use should drive research as determinants
of healthy habits and outcomes, and as tools of communication between health
It was also suggested that these extraordinary sleep
specialists, as well as others, may insure that the science produced reflects
the diversity in this country and the different lifestyles imposed by race,
culture, heritage, education and socioeconomic backgrounds.
With the agreement between 72 countries in confirming the
United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which encompass 169
targets, it behooves all scientists to be aware of these 2015-2030 goals, to
value them, to critically consider connecting their work with them, and to
consider ways by which they contribute to achieving them through their science.
Sleep is vital for human health, and if the SDGs attainment by 2030 is mandated
for the developed and developing countries, then it is imperative for every
scientist and every professional organization to monitor and ensure progress
toward attaining these goals.
Furthermore, sleep scientists are urged to consider how their
science is being driven by competing or integrated theories that reflect
determinants of health which include biological, genetic and sociocultural
factors. I challenge sleep researchers to take responsibility for integrating
findings by developing middle-range theories of sleep determinants and best
practices for managing healthy sleep. Situation-specific theories may be a
vehicle to better represent specific populations (underrepresented minorities
and economic, cultural, gender and age differences) and more limited sets of
A very stimulating and inspiring symposium about sleep
symptom science, omic science and precision health in celebration of the 30th Anniversary of NINR.